Group Readings

Small Group Readings in an Intimate Setting


Bringing Healing, Comfort, Hope, and Inspiration

A group reading is when a medium demonstrates for a more intimate group of individuals and brings forward messages from a group of souls that gather for the purpose of communicating messages of healing, comfort, hope and inspiration to those in attendance.

Those who participate in a group reading will experience the validation of life after death through amazing messages for themselves and others. Group sessions are held in a safe and comfortable setting where new friends and bonds are often created through this shared experience. The duration of a group session is anywhere between two to three hours, depending on the size of the group.

Most everyone in the group will receive messages from their families, friends, or loved ones who are in Spirit, that is if Spirit makes themselves known to Kennedy. Keep in mind, sensitive topics sometimes are addressed by Spirit, but Kennedy is well versed in matters of privacy.

In preparation of your group session, bring something to write with. Kennedy encourages taking notes, but recordings are not allowed with respect to everyone’s privacy.


It’s Fast, Quick and Simple

Please note that all prices are listed in USD, and exchange rates may vary depending on your financial institution. We offer in-person group readings for those located in Puerto Vallarta. In-person roup readings are held at Mystic Circle Cafe in La Zona Romantica or at the location of your choice. If you are located outside of Puerto Vallarta, be sure to select an online group session via Zoom. All appointments are scheduled in Central Standard Time, so kindly remember to check the time difference with your local time zone as Mexico no longer observes Daylight Saving Time.